Digital Camera - Start Here

29 August 2024 in Waikino
20 September 2024 in Cromwell
or any other place and time via ZOOM.

This is a practical based Photography course. Part of the time is in the classroom, part outside. It is aimed at beginners who own a Digital SLR camera or a Mirrorless and who want to take more creative control their Digital SLR or Mirrorless Camera. If you use the GREEN auto button then this class is definitely for YOU.
Learn to speak the language of your camera and how to create various effects, such as a shallow depth of field, freezing & blurring motion as well as panning moving subjects. Make the most out of your lens and learn how various focal lengths alter the image and how to use the lens creatively. This course is an introduction to photography and by the end you will understand basic elements of camera control and understand techniques that you can use to your advantage. The computer is now an essential part of modern photography and this part of the course introduces you to Lightroom and demonstrates the 5 basic steps to image improvement and enhancement. This short course will make you a better digital photographer.
The course will look at:
Photography essentials:What makes a good photo?
How the aperture, shutter speed and ISO affect the image
Practical exercise exploring the aperture & shutter speed
Make bacgrounds fuzzy or sharp
Lens and aperture impact on depth of field
Focus technique
Focal length, angle of view & perspective
Control the flash
What makes a good composition
Camera buttons, functions, menus, settings
When to use manual settings
When to use aperture priority & other modes
Best practice for camera handling
Light meter and metering modes
How the digital image is constructed
Where to keep your photos?
Getting your photos onto the computer
Practical exercise with histograms to determine correct exposure
Sensor size and lens magnification factor
White Balance and Colour theory
Advantages of shooting RAW
Post production using Lightroom.

Basic Lightroom Classic
& Photoshop Digital Workflow
29 August 2024 in Waikino
20 September 2024 in Cromwell
or any other place and time via ZOOM.

To get the most out of Lightroom and Photoshop you need to be organised and do things in a logical order. Working with your numerous digital photos should be fun and interesting. You should have an efficient WORKFLOW so that the process is not tedious and inefficient. Many people attend this workshop have their Lightroom Classic in a complete mess, with images all over the place. Often many photos are missing. This workshop will guide you through a process to ensure you always know where your images are and where your backups are.With time you will personalise this process.
This workshop is in two parts each about 2-2.5 hours long. Each session costs $120 or $200 for both.
If you are in Auckland or Wellington this can be person to person or via Zoom. Elsewhere via Zoom for the moment. When I am in the UK, Suffolk, Essex and London are practical locations.
Workshop 1. concentrates on the underlying ORGANISATION of your files, folders and drives, so that you can easily find your photos to work on them. Initially much of this has NOTHING to do with Lightroom or Photoshop. It is about setting up your computer to make your life easier without the dramas typical of many, many Lightroom Classic users.
This Workshop does NOT discuss how to develop and enhance photos in Lightroom Classic.
29+ pages of notes are provided. Working images will be provided in class or via Dropbox.
If you are new to Lightroom CLASSIC START HERE.
If your Lightroom CLASSIC is in a mess START again HERE.
The follow up session is Workshop 2. This workshop concentrates on how images integrate with Photoshop and illustrates some basic creative work that is beyond the reach of Lightroom Classic. It is NOT a full Photoshop workshop, but you will see how photos are seamlessly moved from Lightroom Classic into Photoshop and back again. At the end of Workshop 2 we will briefly look at linking your Classic photos to your phone.
Some notes are provided. Working images will be provided via Dropbox.
Now available as DIY
The workshop notes and images are now available for download. I have 32 pages of detailed notes for Workflow Part 1. Images are available to download via Dropbox. Price is only $10 NZ or £5. Price includes limited email and phone support.
Workflow Part 2 notes are in preparation and will be made available asap. Just email John for payment details and a link to Dropbox.
Part of the handout for all Lightroom Classes.Click on the pop-out in the top right corner if you want to download.

The image above left is the original RAW photo. Imported into Lightroom. Basic editing for exposure and colour in Lightroom Classic, then handed over to Photoshop for removal of fence wire, selective lightening of face and selective sharpening.
Left is a Venice Carnival. Photo imported into Lightroom. Exposure adjusted and vignette applied in Lightroom. All colours except blues removed in Photoshop. Dodge and Burn in Photoshop.
A short, low cost course to get you quickly up and running with the basics of Lightroom. Perfect for people who have been on the DSLR workshop or those just starting out on their photographic adventures. We cover the very basics of getting your photos into Lightroom in an organised way, enhancing or developing them then saving and sharing.The hardest thing about Lightroom Classicis getting started. It behaves in a way totally unlike other software. For example, there is no “Save” command, Lightroom Classic just does it. Talking to a student a few days ago, she suggested that Lightroom was like a factory producing photos for many different purposes. This showed great understanding of how Lightroom works. I like the idea. This workshop gets your photos into the factory, and manufactures them for your email, your blog, posters, photobooks etc. And let’s you have fun.
Lightroom Classic ....Start Here
On Demand
InDesign is an essential tool for design firms, ad agencies, magazines, newspapers, book publishers, and freelance designers around the world. Get a thorough introduction to the core features InDesign at the Start Here Workshop. Everything you do in Photoshop, Illustrator, and Word come together in InDesign – a page layout program – to create brochures, forms, annual reports, books and much, much more.
You will be shown how to assemble text and images into multipage documents that can be published in print, on the web, and in many other electronic formats.
Discover the core elements that make up any InDesign project, whether simple or complex: pages, text frames, and images. Place and flow text, and set character and paragraph level attributes.
Most documents need photos or graphics. Learn about image placement, cropping, scaling, and framing. Discover the efficient use of rulers and guides, and how to easily navigate between pages. No prior InDesign knowledge required. Start your learning path here.

Adobe InDesign….Start Here
$250 + $135 for a friend
Any place or location on demand, in person or via Zoom.

This workshop assumes no previous InDesign experience. Since this is a course about Desktop publishing you should have an idea of what you wish to produce. This may be a simple leaflet or a long complex book. InDesign handles both with ease. In the latter part of the day we will develop your own ideas so that you have the confidence to finish your leaflet, or magazine and get it published.
Since this is a course about Desktop publishing you should have an idea of what you wish to produce. This may be a simple leaflet or a long complex book. InDesign handles both with ease. In the latter part of the day we will develop your own ideas so that you have the confidence to finish your leaflet, or magazine and get it published. On multiple day courses all output will be specific to your individual or company needs.
We will cover:
Setting the Workspace
Tools and Palettes
Page Setup
Text Wrap
Character Styles
Paragraph Styles
Object Styles
Saving files & creating pdfs
Find & Replace
Story Editor
Placing Word documents & Images
Linking to Photoshop
Bulleted and numbered lists
Auto Captions
Table of Contents